I decided to color my hair dark...I'd been thinking about it for a while. My friend really want to do it for me that day, before Aveda took over. So we got all the color in, and I hadn't told Will anything about it at all. I'd left my phone at home by accident that morning, so I emailed him and told him if he found it to let me know. Unfortunately, he didn't get my email in time, but instead found my phone and brought it to me at school. It took him a few minutes to find me, and when he did and I saw him, I stared at him for a second, said "uh-oh" and then started laughing. The girls all around me recognized him and knew that I hadn't said anything, so they all freaked out a little bit. But yeah, it was fine! He likes it a lot. I'll go blond again no doubt, it's a nice change for a while but I don't think I'd like to keep it forever.