So we're officially moving! We don't have a date, because the housing place needed to get it cleaned first and they didn't know when that would be - they said around the first of July. So it should be any day now. I want to move SO bad. Not so much because I don't like it here, but because I really want to start getting things ready for the baby...and I can't really do anything right now. Not that there's much to do, I think we have everything we need now, we just need to get it cleaned and set up. But two weeks I'll be full-term and this baby could come any time. I'm not really expecting it till after my due date or I'll probably just go crazy, but you never know. Anyway, we've started packing some things up and planning how we're going to move all of our large furniture - two couches, two dressers, a queen-size bed, a piano, an entertainment center, two desks, a kitchen table and a recliner. The funny thing in my opinion is how many large items we have and the only things we actually paid for were the kitchen table and the recliner. Will is an expert at getting free things. It's nice sometimes, but really...? I always blame him for keeping everything, but then say things like "Well no I want to keep THAT because I wanted to use it for ______" so I should probably stop saying it's his fault we have so much stuff.
Our ward is very sad that we're leaving. There is another couple leaving this month, and with us combined, the ward is losing the organist, the choir pianist, the only two tenors in choir, a primary teacher, the Young Women's president, a Sunday school teacher and part of the Sunday school presidency. Ridiculous, yeah?
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