Monday, March 29, 2010

Done with school!!

I'm finally last day was Friday, for about three hours. Aveda Institute doesn't even have a real sign yet. It's weird to be done and not have immediate plans for more school or a job. It's nice, but at the same time I haven't had this feeling since I was 16, so it'll take some getting used to. I would like a part-time job here at Target or something, but I doubt I'll be able to get anything. I applied at a few places, but jobs like that in Provo get filled up so fast that I don't think I have a chance. I thought maybe I'd have more luck with access to a car, but no luck whatsoever so far. Oh well. I'll just have to open a salon in my house sometime or something, that would be fun...not that I'll need a lot to keep me occupied in a few months!

Will starts school again on April 27th, and he is VERY excited. He's one of those people that is probably going to go to school forever simply because he loves it so much. Which is probably why he wants to be a teacher, which is what he's going back to do - get a teaching certification in Physics teaching. He'll be done next year at about this time. Because he has so many classes in a similar field (Engineering), he'll be able to finish it quickly. Good thing, because with a baby on the way we need to get things figured out pretty quick here! If only jobs weren't so hard to come by nowadays. Apparently, there are a ton of teachers being laid off - but not science teachers, which are in very high demand right now. Hopefully they will still be in high demand next year.

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