Saturday, May 15, 2010


Here it is!! Far from perfect, but it's alright. And even somewhat gender neutral...definitely looks more boyish, but that's better than more girlish for a boy!


JanetinMN said...

Very nice!! I like it.

Judy said...

Nice job, Becky! It looks great for either a boy or a girl.

Betty said...

Just fabulous! I love the brights, and could never figure out the pallid palette of pink or pale blue for babies..... And it looks perfect...I bet we would need a microscope to find any errors....

Becky said...

Thanks!! I'm not sure about the microscope thing...I'm just happy the mistakes don't show in the photo. :)

Blake and Kim said...

Cute quilt Becky! I just finished an old quilt and it actually looks a lot like yours. Great minds think alike :D. Hope you and baby are doing well!