Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Dear Kaylee,
You have completely turned my life upside down! Not in a bad way, of course. I am amazed every day at the new things you learn and do. It's incredible to see such a tiny human being turning into a beautiful little girl. I can't believe that in only 4 more months, you'll be a year old!!! Your dad and I both think that you'll be walking before then. You're going crazy climbing on everything all day long, every day - furniture, toys, walls, me, Daddy...basically anything that's higher than the floor, you're standing up on. Not to mention crawling EVERYWHERE! I can't keep my eyes off of you for a minute anymore without you getting into something. Your favorite toys lately are Daddy's laptop, my makeup, and anything shiny. Oh, and your tongue. The last two days you have had your tongue out constantly. You were definitely "blessed" with a very long tongue like both your mom and dad! It's pretty funny to watch you. We do wish you would laugh, though. The closest you come is a coughing noise, which is also pretty funny, but we'd like a sweet girly little giggle. I'm sure you'll figure it out sometime though. I love you so much, Kaylee! You bring so much joy to our home with cute smiles and happiness. I can barely remember life without you.

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