Friday, April 30, 2010


We're slowly getting baby things ready...only three more months left, give or take a week or two. We have a few clothes, a dresser and a car seat. Andy and Steph had a dresser they didn't want or need, so when they moved they gave it to us, it'll be perfect for baby stuff. And Tiffany (Will's sister) was generous enough to give us the car seat that Bennett used. Supposedly, it works for a year or so, but he's a big boy and grew out of it in 4 months, so it's hardly used. I just finished crocheting a blanket...I haven't crocheted in a very long time, and with all my oodles of time here doing nothing, it kept me entertained for a little while. My mom taught me how years ago, and I looked up some fun patterns online and did the shell-stitch. It's not quite perfect, but not bad. The crib I want is here. It looks like it'll work well for us, the only problem will be getting something else in a few months because he'll outgrow it. No big deal though. People are still freaking out at me a little bit for not finding out the gender, but I'm still wondering what the big deal is about - sure, it would be nice to know sometimes but I don't think it's worth ruining the surprise. Not to mention more hand-me-downs if we have a different gender next time. Even if I wanted to know, I'd have to keep it a secret from the hubby. He is dead-set against finding out, it's kind of funny.
I do believe this baby is trying to teach me to have better posture. Every time I slouch too much I get a foot stuck in my ribs and have to stretch out or it gets uncomfortable! He's very hyper. Luckily it seems he's turned and is now kicking my ribs instead of jumping on my bladder, that got old fast. I do prefer the ribs, I must admit. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, he's not even big yet. Probably about 1 1/2 - 2 pounds and about 14 inches long. So a funny coincidence - my first day in my third trimester will be on Mother's Day. An appropriate gift, I suppose. :)

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