Monday, June 15, 2009

Ward Glare

It used to be ward prayer, then it was ward stare, now we call it ward glare. That's not the point of this blog though. We have a "dessert club" every Sunday after ward prayer, and this week it was in our apartment. I took charge, of course, because I love making dessert and really, none of my other roommates can cook. One of them can't even make joke, but that's another story. I decided I wanted some variety for my ward, so I made German Chocolate bars, Special K bars and Snicker Doodles. Of course everything was a huge hit and those dumb guys that said I didn't know how to use an oven got totally proven wrong and they admitted it. So it was a good day. I spent a lot of my Saturday baking, and my friend Will helped me out. Or perhaps "helped" would be a better way to say it. Here he is making an elephant cookie.

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