I went to a western themed dance last night, and it was fun but it was slightly awkward because I didn't really know many people at all, and there was like one slow song, which was really disappointing because I like slow dancing better than the awkward dancing where you just stand in awkward little circles with your awkward little friends and make awkward little dance moves that don't make any sense. But whatever. I'm over it. I suppose it's better than dancing with a short guy with bad breath and B.O. that asks you what color your toothbrush is. That actually happened to me once...no joke. I did ride the mechanical bull (I think maybe they should call it the maniacal bull), and totally owned it. I don't know exactly how long I was on there but I think it was more than 8 seconds. So I owned it. I borrowed my home teacher's cowboy hat because he wouldn't let me get on the bull until I had one, so I yelled and waved it in the air while I was on the thing. It was pretty exciting, I wish I had a video to put on here, but you'll just have to imagine it I guess because I don't have one. My belt buckle is pretty sweet, no? We made them with cardboard and aluminum foil.
Oh and I am so excited!! I don't know for sure if this is going to work out or not, but I'm excited anyway. I met this guy at the dance that has a band, but they need a bass player...enough said. I hope it works out because I want to do it so bad. But I suppose if it doesn't, I'll get over it. Eventually. I'm pretty optimistic about it, because bass players are really hard to find and I'm going to be around all summer. So we'll see. :)