So I think that something from my dad rubbed off on me. Whenever I do the dishes here, I have to also wipe the counters, clean the back splash, scrub the stove, sweep the floor, take out the garbage...just doing the dishes is never enough. :P The first week that I was here, my roommates came home and found me washing out our garbage can. They were kind of confused and said I must get really bored being home alone all day. The truth was that when I took out the garbage, it sickened me to see the mold and mildew and old food all stuck to it, and the smell... :X So of course, the knowledgeable thing to do was to wash it, right? I guess my roommates just aren't as domesticated as I am, or something. ;) I think it's kind of funny too how some of them absolutely hate doing the dishes, especially if the dishes aren't theirs. But they way I look at it, is if there are dishes that need to be washed, then they should be done. I honestly think it is worth it to spend 15-20 minutes cleaning things that aren't mine in order to have a clean apartment. It's also actually really relaxing for me. But that's just me. Another thing that I think is kind of amusing (sometimes) is how everyone leaves lights on. It's not cool to pay the bill for our electricity, but I can't help laughing when I come home, and I see the kitchen light, dining room light and living room light all on with no one in any of those rooms. I turn them all off and go into my room. I come out 10 minutes later, and they are ALL back on, yet again with no one there. ??? For real, it that hard to keep the lights off?
P.S. My parents probably wonder why I didn't show these traits when I lived at home...
Ha ha ha, I knew it would sink in at some point!! That's the best attitude... if the work is there - just do it! Sounds like a really gross garbage can.... All your roomies probably had CHORES and now they are rebelling. ;-)
Hi Becky...That counter cleaning thing.....that is a throwback to your Grandfather, your Dad just got it from him....Somehow those 'clean' genes never hit my DNA and my house is a testament to that! By the way, Paul and I had a fun day at the coast yesterday! Love, Aunt Betty
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