Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hot Tubbing!!

No polar bear swim this time, but maybe close enough. Kimberly and I decided that since it was cold and snowing, we should definitely go in the hot tub at her apartment. We look pretty goofy in that picture...but oh well. That's okay. We made that sweet snow chicken and devil owl that you see there. There were a couple of other people in the hot tub, and I think they thought we were a little bit psycho and laughing way too hard at them, but that's okay too.
We kept getting too hot in the water, so we did the most logical thing we could think

of - go lie in the snow* of course.
I look kind of like a ghost in this picture and I'm not totally sure how that works, but it's kinda cool. The last picture...we just wanted to show how cool we looked walking back to her apartment from the
pool, with our towels and winter coats. Yay for year-round hot tubs!!! :)

* Notice for any concerned parents, grandparents, or other relatives:

We were only in the snow for mere seconds, just barely long enough to take the picture. No frostbite.

1 comment:

JanetinMN said...

Shiver and brrrr, but that looks like FUN! Remember that outdoor hot tub at The Lodge in Brainerd? And it was about 10 below I think, when we were out there. But we didn't roll in the snow.... That's stimulating though, no??